Cleanfund’s C-Pace Financing Enables Seagate Properties To Make Energy Improvements On Suburban Office Buildings
Seagate Properties utilized CleanFund’s 30-year C-PACE financing to install a 49.6 kW solar PV array and other improvements related to their office headquarters’ heating and cooling systems.
Seagate also recently upgraded another suburban office building in Sausalito, CA with a 76 kW solar PV array utilizing CleanFund’s C-PACE financing. Instead of having to source capital upfront, the main advantage of CleanFund’s C-PACE financing is having easy access to long-term financing that stays with the property.
Seagate honored by the Marin County Board of Supervisors as Golden Spire Business of the Year

Seagate is a certified Green Business and as such we place a high priority on using and implementing the latest in sustainable practices. With the first LEED Gold Certified property in Marin County, we strive to implement energy conservation measures in every facet of our business, right down to the use of recyclable products and supplies.
Driven by a core belief that building and property owners have a responsibility to their local community and the global environment, Seagate has consistently taken an assertive, proactive approach to energy conservation, waste reduction, environmental protection, and sustainability. Over the past several years, we have undertaken many significant programs to further enhance our operating efficiency and to reduce our environmental footprint and that of our tenants as well.
San Rafael Corporate Center, First LEED Gold Certified Commercial Project in Marin
Seagate is proud to have achieved LEED Gold certification by the US Green Building Council (USGBC) for the “Phase One” development consisting of 750 Lindaro Street and 781 Lincoln Avenue in October 2012. The LEED rating system developed by the USGBC is the foremost program for buildings, homes and communities that are designed, constructed, maintained and operated for improved environmental and human health performance. SRCC was the first and only multi-tenant office project to have achieved this status in the entire North Bay area.
These buildings achieved the certification for implementing practical and measurable strategies and solutions aimed at achieving high performance in: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality. The “Phase Two” buildings at 770 and 790 Lindaro Street achieved LEED Gold certification when construction was completed in 2011.
The Adam Grant Building, San Francisco
In February, 2012, 114 Sansome was awarded the LEED Gold Certification for Existing Buildings from the US Green Building Council. Companywide “green” policies have been implemented including installation of low flow aerators in restrooms to reduce water usage; use of “green” cleaning products/techniques to enhance environmentally friendly janitorial services and requiring that at least 70% of all demolition debris be recycled or reused. Additionally, we helped establish an e-waste recycling program to augment the existing recycling and composting programs to further reduce the amount of waste going into landfills.
As a reflection of these efforts, Seagate has won Energy Star ratings in numerous projects across the board! These changes are continually refined and improved to insure that Seagate and its projects remain in the forefront of our sustainability efforts.
Seagate managed its operation of the property is as energy efficient and environmentally conscious as possible, keeping our operating costs low, our “carbon footprint” small and environmental/indoor air quality high.”