Willis (“Wick”) K. Polite, Jr.
Wick has been associated with Seagate Investment Co. and its affiliate companies, since 1980. He has been responsible for all acquisition and development for the company initially from the Cleveland office. He has been a general partner since 1984, at which time he was responsible for the relocation of the headquarters office to San Francisco California.
Wick is primarily responsible for all acquisition and disposition of property for the firm with expertise in the financing, transaction structure, and general development of investment quality commercial real estate. Previous projects have included rezoning, master planning, subdividing, development and subsequent sale of commercial properties in Florida, Ohio, Arizona and California.
Prior to 1981 Wick was associated with Deerfield Corporation involved in the sales and marketing field as an independent manufacturer’s representative. In his capacity with Deerfield he was responsible for major national accounts including Goodyear Tire, Firestone Corp, and Sherwin Williams Paints, among others.
Wick has been a member of the Urban Land Institute since 1981, serving as a Governor of the Urban Land Foundation, a variety of ULI council’s as well as active participation in the local San Francisco Bay Area District Council. He is a member of Lambda Alpha International, as well as serving on various school and community boards. Wick performed his undergraduate and graduate studies at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio majoring in economics, psychology and finance.